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What are Garden Gummies and Other Coded Cannabis Language

Updated: May 6

Hello, fellow adventurers and future gardeners! Have you ever found yourself scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, only to stumble upon someone raving about enjoying a "garden gummy" or "doinking a doinker"?

If you're scratching your head, wondering what kind of social media rabbit hole you've just fallen into, fear not! Today, we're embarking on a journey to unravel the mysteries of cannabis slang on the internet. By the end of this expedition, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to join the online gardening community.

Why Cannabis Slang is used on Social Media

Before we delve into deciphering specific terms, let's first explore why slang, in general, is so prevalent on social media platforms.

Cannabis slang is used online and on social media for several reasons, chief among them being censorship. Social media platforms HATE cannabis often enforce strict guidelines regarding content related to cannabis, leading content creators and enthusiasts to resort to coded language to avoid scrutiny and potential bans. This allows individuals to engage in discussions about cannabis openly, even in environments where the topic may be taboo or frowned upon.

Decoding Common Social Media Cannabis Slang Terms

Women covering her face and favicons of social media apps

What are Garden Gummies?

Ever heard someone mention enjoying "garden gummies"? Well, they're simply referring to cannabis-infused gummy edibles.

What are Doinkers?

When someone talks about "doinking a doinker," they're actually referring to smoking a joint. This slang term adds a playful twist to the act of rolling and lighting up a cannabis joint.

What are Penjamins?

a cannabis vape pens or other vaping devices, popular among those who prefer a smoke-free cannabis experience.

What is Gardening?

In the world of cannabis slang, "gardening" is the catch-all term for consuming cannabis in any form. So, when someone says they've "just gardened," it means they've recently indulged in some form of cannabis consumption.

Coded Emojis:

In addition to verbal slang, cannabis enthusiasts often use emojis to convey their love for the plant. Here are some commonly used emojis and their hidden meanings:

🍃 or 🍁 or similar leaf emojis = Cannabis

🥦 Broccoli = sometimes humorously used to represent cannabis

💚 Green Heart (often used to express love or enthusiasm for cannabis)

💨 Smoke = Represent smoking, vaping or blowing clouds of smoke

Navigating Cannabis Culture on Social Media: Dos and Don'ts

The # 1 rule of social media is to use coded language. Do not use terms like cannabis, weed, etc. these are surefire ways to get your account flagged or banned.

When interacting with creators, commenting on posts or DMing, use coded language instead of explicit terms like "cannabis" or "weed." This ensures compliance with platform guidelines, reduces the risk of censorship or account suspension, and increases your chances of receiving responses or engagement.


Hopefully we have helped to clear things up. Let us know in the comments if there are any other terms you have heard that we can help clear up? If you are looking for the best garden gummies to buy check us out.

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